Nouveau projet pour la nouvelle année, installation d'une ligne Märklin Minex. Cette ligne partira de la station des Crâts pour rejoindre une gare d'altitude.
Pour les rails on reprend les vieux Märklin M que j'utilisais il y a fort longtemps.
Le matériel est du Märklin Minex pour les locomotives et divers wagons 0 adaptés au 0e.
La ligne sera très simple, voie unique entre les 2 gares sans retournement, les trains montent en avant et redescendent en arrière (style Brienz Rothorn).
L'alimentation est prise directement sur le DCC du 0m, les 2 réseaux sont donc commandés par la même centrale.
Les locomotives sont donc profondément modifiées avec changement du moteur, rajout d'éclairage et décodeur ESU.
Première locomotive la vapeur 3 essieux ici à coté de sa grande sœur 0m |
De face, on remarque le gabarit différend |
La 2 en compagnie d'une crocodile |
La première voiture du 0e, une Fleischmann adapté |
Les premiers wagons marchandises, Marx et Lionel |
A la sortie des Crâts le 0m redescend alors que le 0e monte par dessus |
Nice work. apparently, you have still some spare space left on your layout. Märklin Minex is relatively abundant here in NL. usually on swap meets, some bloke is trying to sell it. Does not appear to be heavily popular for some reason, I cannot fully comprehend now. I am interested to see how you swapped the bogies under the rolling stock from zero to kind of half- zero. And we want to see a video of the engine crawling the hill!
RépondreSupprimerCordiallement, Eggo
There is not a lot of space left, but enough for a small Minex line. The trains will not turn at the end of the line.
RépondreSupprimerFor the bogies I just replace the original ones with marklin or lima Ho bogies.
for the moment I still have some problems with the locs, the contacts of the old Marklin track is not so good and this give problem with DCC.
I have to find a solution before I can make a video, but it'planned.
I'm searching for some additional Minex locs, do you think I can find some in ebay nederland?
In switzerland it's not popular and very hard to find
Well, next time that I see soem Minex lying about on a swap meet in Zutphen or Houten, I will make a photo and send it over. For some unknown reason, I hardly see it on auction sites like ebay and marktplaats.
It would be great if you can help me find some minex locs. The goal is to have two diesel and two steam.
RépondreSupprimerI just receive some Fleischmann magic train passenger and freight car to add on the 0e. It's gonna be a nice small line I think
It would be great if you can help me find some minex locs. The goal is to have two diesel and two steam.
RépondreSupprimerI just receive some Fleischmann magic train passenger and freight car to add on the 0e. It's gonna be a nice small line I think